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Visitor Arrivals to Japan and Japanese Overseas Travelers
Latest figures for Visitor Arrivals to Japan and Japanese Overseas Travelers are provided below.
Breakdown by Country/Area
The latest figures for a breakdown by country/area of Visitor Arrivals to Japan are provided below.
Basic Information by Market
Basic Data by Country/Area
Basic data such as population,GDP, and a summary of facts on trips to Japan are provided regarding the selected country/area.
Find Out About Traveling to Japan
Visitor Arrivals
Trends in Visitor Arrivals to Japan
The figures below show trends in Visitor Arrivals to Japan (total).
Comparison with the Japanese Overseas Travelers
A comparison can be made of Trends in Visitor Arrivals to Japan and Japanese Overseas Travelers.
Breakdown by Country/Area
The figures below show total Visitor Arrivals to Japan by country/area.
Trends by Country/Area
A comparison can be made of Visitor Arrivals to Japan of selected countries/areas.
Trends in the Purpose of Visit to Japan
Trends in Visitor Arrivals to Japan by purpose of visit are provided below.
Facts on Trips to Japan
Breakdown by Number of Visits to Japan
The frequency of visits to Japan by nationality are provided below.
Breakdown by Type of Travel
Trends in type of travel for Japanese Inbound Tourism by nationality are provided below.
Breakdown by Booking Method
Frequently used booking methods by nationality are provided below.
Breakdown by Length of Stay
Changes in average length of stay by nationality are provided below.
Trends in Average Length of Stay
You can see the changes in average length of stay by nationality.
Accompanying Travelers on Visit to Japan
The country/area of accompanying travelers to Japan are provided below.
Expectations Regarding Visit to Japan
Expectations before the trip; activities experienced during the trip; and activites for next visit to Japan, by country/area are provided below.
Sources of Helpful Information Before Visit
Sources of helpful information by country/area are provided below.
Useful Information During Visit to Japan
Useful information during visit to Japan by country/area are provided below.
Accommodations used during visit to Japan by country/area are provided below.
Visits to Regions of Japan
Visit Rate Ranking by Prefecture
Frequently visited prefectures by country/area are provided below.
Accumulated Number of Guests at Accommodations by Region
The number of guests staying at accommodations in each region of Japan by country/area are provided below.
Accumulated Number of Foreign National Guests at Accommodations by Prefecture
The number of guests staying at accommodations in each prefecture of Japan by country/area are provided below.
Overnight Stays by Prefecture and Country/Area
Popular overnight destinations (prefecture) by country/area are provided below.
Facts on Travel Spending
Travel Expenditure Per Capita
Trends in travel spending during a stay in Japan are provided below.
Travel Expenditures Per Capita by Attribute
The amount spent by visitors on travel while in Japan by gender, age group, and number of visits to Japan are provided below.
Average Spending Per Capita by Category
Visitors' average spendings by category are provided below.
Breakdown by Category
Items that foreign travelers spent on during a stay in Japan are provided below.
Trends by Category
Trends of travel spending by item are provided below.
Types of stores where visitors shop in Japan are provided below.
Usage of Tax Exemption
Percentages of visitors who have claimed tax exemption when shopping are provided below.
Items Claimed for Tax Exemption
Items processed for tax exemption are provided below.
Payment Method
Payment methods used by travelers during their visit to Japan are provided below.
Satisfaction with Visit to Japan
Satisfaction with Visit to Japan
Overall satisfaction of visit to Japan is provided below.
Intention to Revisit Japan
Ratios of visitors who hope to visit Japan again are provided below.
Foreigners Entries
Foreigners Entries by Port of Entry and Country/Area
Foreigners Entries by Port of Entry and Country/Area are provided below.Foreigners Entries by Port of Entry and Month
Foreigners Entries by Port of Entry and Month are provided below.Foreigners Entries by Age and Gender
Foreigners Entries by Age and Gender are provided below.Find Out About Foreign Travels in the World
Number of Foreign Visitors
Visitor Arrivals by Country/Area
The number of foreign visitors by their country/area of origin are provided below.
Find Out About Overseas Travels for Japanese
Japanese Overseas Travelers
Trends in Japanese Overseas Travelers
Trends in Japanese Overseas Travelers by Year are provided below.
Japanese Overseas Travelers by Port and Month
Japanese Overseas Travelers by Port and Month are provided below.Japanese Visitors
Trends of Japanese Visitors
Trends of Japanese Visitors are provided below.
Find Out About International Conferences
Status of International Conferences Held by Year
Number of Conferences Held
The figures below show the status of international conferences held by year.
Number of Participants
The figures below show the number of participants in international conferences by year.
Accumulated and Average Number of Days for Conferences
The figures below show the number of days for which each international conference was held.
Status of International Conferences Held by Month
Number of International Conferences Held and Composition Ratio
The figures below show the status of international conferences held by month.
Number of Overseas Participants and Composition Ratio
The figures below show the number of overseas participants in international conferences by month.
Status of International Conferences Held by Field
Number of Conferences Held and Composition Ratio
The figures below show the fields in which more international conferences are held.
Number of Overseas Participants
The figures below show the fields with the higher number of overseas participants.
Status of International Conferences Held by Scale
Number of Conferences Held
The figures below show the number of conferences held by scale.
Composition Ratio of the Number of Conferences Held
The figures below show the trends in the scale of international conferences held.
Number of Medium- and Large-scale International Conferences Held
The figures below show the proportion of the number of medium- and large-scale international conferences held.
Number of Overseas Participants in Medium- and Large-scale International Conferences
The figures below show the proportion of overseas participants in medium- and large-scale international conferences.
Status of International Conferences Held by City
Number of Conferences Held
The figures below show the number of international conferences held by city.
Number of Overseas Participants
The figures below show the number of overseas participants in international conferences by city.